Sunday, August 19, 2012

This Week in Biology Class

First day of class!! I will introduce myself and go over the class syllabus and class rules/expectations. Then, we will all head over to the bookroom and check out your textbook. This book will be your responsibility for the whole school year and will have to be returned in June.
Homework: review the course website and look over the Course Question.

Introduction to Biology lecture. You will learn about the the goals of science, how scientists work, and the basics of the scientific method.
Homework: take the quiz found in the Digital Interactives page of the course website to prepare for the material we will be learning in Chapter 1.

Discussion: What did you think of the quiz? Did you find it helpful? What do you think could be improved?
Lecture: Introduction to cell biology. We will go over the Cell theory and the different types of cells: eukaryotes, prokaryotes, animal, plant, etc.
Homework: start reading Chapter 1 and use Quizlet to create a set of flashcards for all the vocabulary terms found in Chapter 1. The flashcards will be due next Monday.

Continue lecture on cell biology. You will learn about cell structure, organelles, and the functions of the cell and everything inside the cell.
Homework: continue reading Chapter 1 and making your flashcards.

Finish lecture on cell biology. You will learn about the cell cycle and mitosis.
Homework: finish reading Chapter 1 and when you are done with your flashcards, email me the link. Go to the course website and look over the popplet found in the Digital Interactives page. You do not have to study the information in the popplet yet since we will be covering that material in Chapter 15, but take note of how the information is presented and organized because you will have to create your own popplet next week.

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